Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Two Different

Up Beat Down Beat
Col-Erase pencil on bond with digital colouring
August 2006

Friday, August 25, 2006

Two Drawn Out

Prismacolor on newsprint
August 2006

Jung Hee
Prismacolor on newsprint
August 2006

Two quick portraits done in class.
Eric is a talented graduate who flew into town for a few days and dropped by for a visit that was shorter than most poses in my class.
Come back soon.

Jung Hee is a talented student about to get down to the business of her final film.
Let the all nighters begin
...I mean continue.

30 2

30 second portrait
Prismacolor on newsprint
August 2006

2 minute sketch
Prismacolor on newsprint
August 2006

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Whirled Piece(s)

I wish

I had

a bigger scanner.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Bear Back

For old time's sake

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Sign Language

Now that's gesture drawing.

Yoga Instructor

Three from early August
Prismacolor on newsprint

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Nevarez Says

Thanks to Uber-talent John Nevarez for linking Pernod in a recent post.
Many of you already know who he is.
As for the rest of you, put your pencils down and go get an eyeful of inspiration.

...and welcome to all who got here through John's site.

Slink and Slouch

Two quick ones from a couple of weeks ago.
Prismacolor on newsprint
July 2006