Sunday, February 26, 2006

Sunday Sketches

Male figures with boxes
Prismacolor on newsprint
February, 2006


February, 2006

Another quick little sketch as I play around with photoshop.
This one was done entirely in photoshop.

Friday, February 24, 2006

T Is For Colour

Okay, so you come up with a better title.

T Figure
Prismacolor on newsprint
February, 2006

T Figure X
Prismacolor on newsprint with digital colour
February, 2006

This was a Photoshop experiment.
I wanted to play with colour on various layers just to see what would happen.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Wee Post

Fineliner with digtal colour
February 2006

Col-erase on animation paper
February 2006

I was looking through my pads to post something and couldn't decide.
So I drew these just to make me feel like I did something tonight other than watch The Colbert Report.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

The Point

The Point (detail)
Oil on canvas

I did this four years ago but it remains a personal favorite.
It came about quickly. I was happy how it just spilled out with no fussing or over-indulgence.
Also, I wanted to see how a colour piece would look in a post.
I may get up the nerve to post another one soon but I'd prefer it to be a more recent painting.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

See You, Tomorrow

I ♥ Drawn!
I found this wonderful commercial by Sylvain Chomet there.