Thursday, December 24, 2009

Pet Project


Another year comes to a close. A lot of paper and pencils under the bridge. Literally.
Where do you think I keep all those filled up pads of news print?

I'd like to first extend my apologies to CA 72 for not making it to their graduation/screening - the last one of the year. I wish I could have been there.
Many thanks to all the people who kindly stopped by to visit and revisit me at PWW and to everyone who took the extra time to leave comments. They always brighten my day.

Enjoy the holidays.
Eat lots.
Sleep lots, if you need to (and I know some of you need to).
Spend as much time as you can with those you love.
Don't spend any time with those you don't (unless you're a superhero and trying to save the world).

See you again in 2010!


* For those who don't live in my daily little world, some back story on the image:
Zak and Lulu got pets this year. Zak got a finch, Lulu got a fish.
So, you know, (Zak + finch) + (Lulu + fish) = Scheming Christmas Creatures.

Thursday, December 10, 2009


Hey Joe!
Finally, after months of searching by a team of thousands me and a couple of other helpful souls - "They" have been found*.

The long lost portraits of a not so long ago class:

* with apologies to Grahaeme, Zoe, Wann and Will.
If I ever find yours they will be included.

Monday, December 07, 2009

Monday Quickies

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

November Sketches